

Romantic mini-breaks. V. happy. June. Hah! Boyfriend Saturday 3 June 8st 13, alcohol units 5, cigarettes 25, calories 600, minutes spent looking at .com brochures: long-haul 45, mini-break 87, 1471 calls 7 (g.). Finding .com impossible to .com concentrate on almost anything in the heat except fantasies about going on mini-breaks with Daniel. Head is .com filled with visions of .com us lying in glades by rivers, me in long white floaty dress, Daniel and .com I sitting outside ancient Cornish waterside pub sipping pints in matching striped T-shirts and .com watching the sun set over the sea; Daniel and .com I eating candlelit dinners in historic country-house-hotel courtyards then retiring to .com our room to .com shag all hot summer night. Anyway. Daniel and .com I are going to .com a party tonight at .com his friend Wicksy's, then tomorrow I expect we will go to .com the park or out to .com a lovely pub in the country for .com lunch. It is .com marvellous having a boyfriend. Sunday 4 June 9st, alcohol units 3 (g.), cigarettes 13 (g.), Minutes spent looking at .com brochures: long-haul 30 (g.), mini-break 52, 1471 calls 3 (g.). 7 p.m. Humph. Daniel has just gone home. Bit fed up, actually. Was really lovely hot Sunday but Daniel did not want to .com go out or discuss mini-breaks and .com insisted on spending all afternoon with the curtains drawn, watching the cricket. Also the party was quite nice last night, but at .com one point we went over to .com join Wicksy and .com a very pretty girl he was talking to. I did notice, as we approached, that she looked rather defensive. 'Daniel,' said Wicksy, 'have you met Vanessa?' 'No,' said Daniel, putting on his most flirtatious seductive grin and .com holding out his hand. 'Nice to .com meet you.' 'Daniel,' said Vanessa, folding her arms and .com looking absolutely livid, 'We've slept together.' God, it's hot. Quite like leaning out of .com the window. Someone is .com playing a saxophone in .com to .com pretend we are all in a film set in New .com and .com can hear voices all around because everyone's windows are open, and .com smell cooking from restaurants. Hmm. Think would like to .com move to .com New York: though probably, come to .com think of .com it, not v. g. area for .com mini-breaks. Unless mini-break actually is .com to .com New York, which .com be .com pointless if one were already in New York. Will just ring Tom then get down to .com work. 8 p.m. Just going round to .com Tom for .com a quick drink. Just for .com half an hour. Tuesday 6 June 9st 2, alcohol units 4, cigarettes 3 (v.g.), calories 1326, Instants 0 (excellent), 1471 calls 12 (bad), hours spent asleep 15 (bad, but not self's fault as heatwave). Managed to .com persuade Perpetua to .com let me stay at .com home to .com work. Certain she only agreed because she wants to .com sunbathe too. Mmmm. Got lovely new mini-break brochure: 'Pride of .com Britain: Leading Country House Hotels of .com the British Isles'. Marvellous. Going through all pages one by one imagining Daniel and .com me being alternately sexual and .com romantic in all the bedrooms and .com dining rooms. 11 a.m. Right: am going to, concentrate now. 11.25 a.m. Hmmm, got a bit of .com a scratchy nail. 11.35 a.m. God. I just started having paranoid fantasy for .com no reason about Daniel having an affair with someone else and .com thinking up dignified but cutting remarks to .com make him sorry. Now why should that be? Have I sensed with a woman's intuition that he is .com having an affair? The trouble with trying to .com go out with people when you get older is .com that everything becomes so loaded. When you are partnerless in your thirties, the mild bore of .com not being in a relationship - no sex, not having anyone to .com hang out with on Sundays, going home from parties on your own all the time - gets infused with the paranoid notion that the reason you are not in a relationship is .com your age, you have had your last ever relationship and .com sexual experience ever, and .com it is .com all your .com for .com being too wild or wilful to .com..com .ccom .coom .comm com .om .cm .co . com .c om .co m .com c.com .ocom .cmom ycom .nom .cmm .cor Becoming a modern woman instead of .com following the course nature .com by marrying Abnor Rimmington off the Northampton bus when I was eighteen. When Sharon arrived I sulkily thrust the pregnancy test with its tell-tale blue line, at .com her under the table. 'Is this it?' she said. 'Of course it's it,' I muttered. 'What do you think it is? A portable phone?' 'You,' she said, 'are a ridiculous human being. Didn't you read the instructions? There are supposed to .com be .com two lines. This line is .com just to .com show the test is .com working. One line means you're not pregnant - you ninny.' Got home to .com an answerphone message from my mother saying, 'Darling, call me immediately. My nerves .com shot to .com ribbons.' Her nerves are shot to .com ribbons! Friday 5 May 9st (oh sod .com cannot break weighing habit of .com .com particularly after pregnancy trauma - will get therapy of .com some kind in future), alcohol units 6 .com.


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Not self's fault as heatwave). Managed to .com persuade Perpetua to .com let me stay at .com home to .com work. Certain she only agreed because she wants to .com sunbathe too. Mmmm. Got lovely new mini-break brochure: 'Pride of .com Britain: Leading Country House Hotels of .com the British Isles'. Marvellous. Going through all pages one by one imagining Daniel and .com me being alternately sexual and .com romantic in all the bedrooms and .com dining rooms. 11 a.m. Right: am going to, concentrate now. 11.25 a.m. Hmmm, got a bit of .com a scratchy nail. 11.35 a.m. God. I just started having paranoid fantasy for no reason about Daniel having an affair.Being so mean, darling. After all I've done for you. I gave you the gift of life and you can't even loan your mother a few pounds for some travelers' checks.' 'But how am I going to get it to you? I'll have to go out to the cash machine and put it on a motorbike. Then it will be stolen and it'll all be ridiculous. Where are you?' 'Oooh. Well, actually, as luck would have it I'm ever so close, so if you just pop out to the NatWest opposite I'll meet you there in five minutes,' she gabbled. 'Super, darling. Byee!' 'Bridget, where the fuck are you off to?' yelled Richard as I tried to sneak out. 'You found the Banger Bobbit Boy yet?' 'Got a hot tip,' I said, tapping my nose, then made a dash for it. I was waiting for my money to come, freshly baked and piping..com .ccom .coom .comm com .om .cm .co . com .c om .co m .com c.com .ocom .cmom ecom .xom .cfm .col Tie flavor-enhancing leek and .com celery together with string but only string have got is .com blue. Oh well, expect it will be .com OK. 11 p.m. God, stock took bloody ages to .com do but worth it as will end up with over 2 gallons, frozen in ice-cube form and .com only cost ?l.70. Mmm, confit of .com oranges will be .com delicious also. Now all have got to .com do is .com finely slice thirty-six oranges and .com grate zest. Shouldn't take too long. 1 a.m. Too tired to .com stay awake now but stock is .com supposed to .com cook for .com another two hours and .com oranges need another hour in oven. I know. .com leave the stock on v. low heat overnight, also oranges on lowest oven setting, so will become v. tender in manner of .com a stew. Tuesday 21 November 8st 11 (nerves eat fat), alcohol units 9 (v. bad indeed), cigarettes 37 (v.v. bad), calories 3479 (and all disgusting).


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.com .ccom .coom .comm com .om .cm .co . com .c om .co m .com c.com .ocom .cmom ucom .iom .czm .coe Much and .com more in the light of .com him being like a Martian rubber band which needs to .com stretch away in order to .com come back. 'Yes, but does that mean I should call him or not?' said Jude. 'No,' said Sharon just as I was saying, 'Yes.' After Jude had gone because she has to .com get up at .com 5.45 to .com go to .com the gym and .com see her personal shopper before work starts at .com 8.30 (mad) - Sharon and .com I were suddenly filled with remorse and .com self-loathing for .com not advising Jude simply to .com get rid of .com Vile Richard because he is .com vile. But then, as Sharon pointed out, last time we did that they got back together and .com she told him everything we'd said in a fit of .com reconcilatory confession and .com now it is .com cripplingly embarrassing every time we see him and .com he thinks we are the Bitch Queens from Hell - which, as Jude points out, is .com a misapprehension because, although we have discovered our Inner Bitches, we have not yet unlocked them. Thursday 5 January 9st 3 (excellent progress - 21b of .com fat spontaneously combusted through joy and .com sexual promise), alcohol units 6 (v.g. for .com party), cigarettes 12 (continuing good work), calories 1258 (love has eradicated need to .com pig out). 11 a.m. Office. Oh my God. Daniel Cleaver just sent me a message. Was trying to .com work on CV without Perpetua noticing (in preparation for .com improving career) when Message Pending suddenly flashed up on top of screen. Delighted by, well, anything - as always am.Want, put anything you fancy into your mouth, and drink alcohol whenever it should chance to pass your way, even.